To turn display of starlanes on and off, click this button.
Not available in this version.
Not available in this version. Coming in version 1.5
Not available in this version. Coming in version 1.5
You can change the production of a star system from within the System Info panel.
The Production panel is not available in this version. Coming in version 1.5
You can change the research efforts of a star system from within the System Info panel.
The Technology panel is not available in this version. Coming in version 1.5
Add Destination
Disabled because you cannot change the course of this starship.
Set Destination
Alters an existing waypoint along this ship's course.
Disabled because there is no waypoint selected in the list above.
Call In
When selected, this ship will bring itself to its owner's attention at the start of the next turn.
Diabled because you cannot change the call-in status for this ship.
When selected, this ship will repeat the course above indefinately, instead of calling in upon arrival at the last waypoint.
It takes at least 2 waypoints to loop.
Removes a waypoint from this ship's course.
Disabled because there is no waypoint selected in the list above.
Stores the starship's course with a particular name so other ships can load it.
Not available in this version. Coming in version 1.5
Delete All
Deletes all the waypoints in the starship's course.
Disabled because there is no course to erase, or you cannot change the ship's course.
Disabled because there is no course above or in memory, or because you cannot change this ship's course.
Load a previously saved course into this starship.
Not available in this version. Coming in version 1.5
Shows the waypoints along this starship's course. The ship's current destination waypoint is shown in bold.
You cannot change this ship's course because it belongs to another player.
Lets you look at a starship from the list above.
Disabled because there is no starship selected.
Not available in this version. Coming in version 1.5
Scrap Ship
To abandon this ship at the end of this turn, click this button.
Infrastructure Growth
Shows the amount of effort the player is putting into developing production capacity. The light blue bar is the system's population.
You can't change this because it's not yours.
Shows the amount of effort the player is putting into building new starships. The dark blue bar shows the system's ship-building capacity.
You can't change this because it's not yours.
Technological Research
Shows the amount of effort the player is putting into researching new technologies. The dark blue bar shows the system's research capacity.
You can't change this because it's not yours.
Manual Control Mode
The player is controlling this star system manually.
Disabled because you don't own this star system.
Sets all unlocked sliders even.
Disabled because you don't own this star system.
Posts your changes for this turn to the host, and waits for the host to process the moves for this turn. Not available because your turn has been posted but the new turn hasn't started yet.
Economic Control Mode
Not supported in this version. Coming in version 1.5
Automatic Control Mode
Not supported in this version. Coming in version 1.5
Starship Information
The Starship Info panel is not available in this version. Info about this starship appears in the Navigation panel. Coming in version 1.5
Ship's Cargo
The Cargo panel is not available in this version. Coming in version 1.5
Ship's Weaponry
The Weaponry panel is not available in this version. Coming in version 1.5
Ship's Defenses
The Defense panel is not available in this version. Coming in version 1.5
Ship Damage
The Damage panel is not available in this version. Coming in 1.5
Patrol Mode
Patroling starships are better able to defend star systems than ships that are simply docked in the system.
Disabled because you don't own this ship.
Hunt Mode
Starships on Hunt mode will automatically attack any enemy ships that come within range of them.
Disabled because there is no course plotted or because you don't own this ship.